Saturday, May 17, 2008

Elvis Costello: Momofuku

Elvis Costello has finally brought out a new rock'n'roll album. Everytime he does this, it's nailed as the great comeback (and a sense of relief from all the left field experimentation and collaborations) and turns out not to be; I suspect this will be the case here. Nonetheless, it is very rare that a Costello album doesn't contain something great. What will it be on this? If we still had singles, I suspect this would be it:

mp3 Elvis Costello and the Imposters: American Gangster Time

When the last rock'n'roll album came out, the stand out track turned out to be this song. here it is in an alternative version:

Elvis Costello and the Imposters: Country Darkness (Clarksdale Sessions)

And here is a little rarity, from a tribute album to June Carter Cash.

mp3 Elvis Costello: Ring of Fire

Buy the music here.

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