Sunday, January 13, 2008

Lest we Forget: Roy Harper's HQ

Another English masterpiece: I promise you they won't all be from Blighty. Roy Harper was one of those artists of the 1970s who were better known because of others: he was the vocalist on Pink Floyd's Have a Cigar, from Wish You Were Here, and Led Zep saluted him on Hats Off to Harper on their third album.  Of his numerous 1970s albums my favourite is HQ which featured, among others, David Gilmour.  His best known song comes from that album, featuring a great brass band arrangement by by David Bedford:

I love the very Englishness of it, redolent of an early autumn day.

The other killer song is Hallucinating Light.  This is a single b-side version:

Another great song crops up in a very different version here.

From another album, his song Another Day here done by Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel, video on youtube.

And, just a great song...

Buy Roy Harper here.

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